2. PMS Integrated Properties

How to edit a Room Type description

Editing your room description allows you to review and update the information when needed. When the amenities and facilities for a specific room changes, you are able to update or include the details. This information is specific to your NightsBridge Booking Engine (the 'Book Now' button) on your property's own website.

Do not delete a room type if you only want to change the description of a room type.
Deleting a room type will break the connection between NightsBridge and the online booking channels and partner sites which your property may be linked to.

Click on 'Step 2: Setup Rooms'

Click on 'Room Types'

Click on room type you would like to edit

Select the 'Room Type Content' tab

Edit the room type description

The room type description will appear online - on the NightsBridge booking form on your property's own website and on certain partner websites which use the NightsBridge booking form, such as SA Places and Sleeping-OUT. It is your 'advertisement' for the room type.

Make it attractive and enticing. It's not necessary to mention all the amenities (like tea & coffee making facilities, hairdryer etc).

Rather sell the benefits of choosing this room type (beautiful view of the sea, private balcony etc).

It is also a good idea to mention aspects of the room which may influence the guest's choice (like type and size of bed(s), bathroom configuration - en-suite or separate, bath and shower, shower only etc).

Remember that the length of the room type description is limited to 255 characters (including spaces), so try to keep it concise.

Click on 'Save'

The room type description has been updated accordingly.

Repeat the steps to edit the descriptions of other room types, if needed.

When you are finished, click on 'Save'

Click on 'Exit'

Click on 'Publish'

The change(s) to the room type description(s) will now be successfully updated on the NightsBridge server.

Check your NightsBridge booking form

Nightsbridge Booking Form – Mozilla Firefox

Hover your mouse over the room type name on the landing page of the NightsBridge booking form and a pop-up window will open.

Check if the change(s) to the description of the specific room type appears in the pop-up window to confirm that the room type description has been successfully updated online.

Repeat this step for all of the room types.

NB! Remember, changes to room type descriptions in the NightsBridge Setup program are NOT automatically updated on most partner websites which your property may be connected to via NightsBridge, including extranet partner websites such as Booking.com, Agoda and Expedia.

You will need to contact these partner websites directly in order to advise them of the changes to your room type descriptions on NightsBridge so that they can update the corresponding room type descriptions on their side to match.

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