This lesson will show you how to use the optional setting in "Set Child Policy": Child Rate Override
These are used only if you want a different child policy to apply to a particular room type.
Open your NightsBridge setup.
See our tutorial on how to access your NightsBridge setup.
Go to "Set Child Policy" under "Step 3: Setup Rates"
On the Setup menu, click "Step 3: Setup Rates".
Now click "Set Child Policy".
Open your override rates settings.
Find the "Override instructions" heading and click on the "Change the default child rates for specific room types (Child Rate Override):" option.
Review current child rules/rates.
The Override Instructions will display the default age groups and their respective child policies as initially set up by you.

Change the policies for each room type as required.
You can amend any of the policies by clicking on the down arrow under an age category and selecting a new option.
Click on the Amount and enter an amended amount if required.
This "amount" will be a percentage (%) amount if you selected the % Sharing Rate or % Sliding Scale options
It will be a flat rate if you selected "Pay fixed Rate Of" option.
Continue to do this for all room types and/or age categories you would like to change