This lesson will show you how to use the optional setting in Rate Capturing of Room Types.
These are used only if you want a different child policy to apply to a particular room type(s), over a specific season.
Log into the NightsBridge Setup
See our tutorial on how to access your NightsBridge setup.
Click on Setup Rates

Choose the Room Type/s of which the Seasonal Override will apply.
In order to add a Seasonal Child Rate Override, you have to do so for each affected Room Type.
1 - Click on a Room Type
2 - Then click on a Meal Plan for that room type.
Click on Override Child Rules
After having selected a meal plan, tick the "Override Child Rules" checkbox.
Enter your override rate for the season.
This rate will override all your other child rates.
With Seasonal Child Rate Overrides, you need to add the actual monetary value (RACK) you would like children to be charged and not a percentage.
1 - click in each child age group to manually change the field to the amount of actual money (not percentage) you would like to receive for that age group for that season.
2 - save, close and repeat for each room type and meal plan that you would like to have a seasonal child rate override for.