The STO rate sheets has a function called "Pull-in Rates" which allows you to take your pre-existing RACK rates and discount them by a set percentage.
Using the Pull-in Rates function with an existing STO works slightly differently.
Be aware that if you have an STO rate sheet that's linked to a Tour Operator contract, you may not be allowed to change the rates for a given season. Check with your channels and Tour Operators before continuing.
Rate discounts are only for online bookings. They do not apply to manual calendar bookings.
Open the existing STO that you would like to edit.
If you don't already have an STO rate sheet set up, you would need to create one.
Set the percentage discount off RACK (if not done already).

This function allows you to set the base percentage discount for the whole rate sheet.
This means that if your STO rates match your RACK rates seasonally, per room type, per meal plan, you can set one percentage discount for them all.
Select Room Type and Meal Plan that you want to update.

Add the percentage amount that will be discounted and then select the Room Types and Meal Plans that you're adding to the STO.
Click on "Set Rates".
Clear the existing rates that you would like to pull in.

Select the rate for the PAX category, season and/or weekend date that you would like to pull in again.
Press BACKSPACE on your keyboard so that the field/s turn red.
Click on "Pull-in Rates" to populate the rates.

The rates will automatically populate in all empty fields or fields with a value of zero (0.00).
Click on Save

As soon as you have captured all your rates for the new room type, make sure to click on save again to go back to the main menu.

Publish your changes

Once you have made all the changes, all the sites and channels getting that STO will have access to the new rates.