Set up the address and directions for the guest house, B&B or apartment (that is, the property where guests will stay). Add your registered business information, as well as your business address if it's different from the property address and let us know who the contact person is for accounts. (Who manages invoice payments?).
Log into the NightsBridge Setup
Log into your NightsBridge Setup. Please look at our articles on how to do this if you need more information.
Click on Step 1: Basic Setup

Complete all of the fields.
1. Property details:
- Your property name,
- website address (if one is available),
- your type of property,
- physical address and,
- directions on how to get to your property.
Please use our article on How to write clear directions to your property in your NightsBridge Setup. Guests often print them out for reference when on the road, and rely on accurate information.

2. Contact details:
Your owner and/or manager contact details (should they be different people).
- If you would prefer to not enter an ID/Passport number, please add a hyphen (-).
- Work Contact and cellphone contact numbers: do not need a + in the first (country) field, and the cell number does not need a 0.
Booking Notifications: contact details for where NightsBridge will send booking notifications for online bookings:
- Email address: (only 1 email address can be entered).
- Send Booking SMS to: the + must be included, and 0 excluded. No spaces in between.
If 2 numbers are required, separate them with an !
- No spaces in between. The + must be included for both numbers and the the 0 excluded.
- For example +27836289457!+27796820154
Note: The Booking notification email address and cell phone number can be different from the contact email address and cell phone number entered above.

The Booking SMS will only get sent between 08:00am - 22:00pm, so that you don't get SMSs while you're sleeping.
We're also sensitive to the property location and timezone.
EG: GMT+4 (Port Louis, Mauritius), then we'll send the SMS between 6:00 am and 20:00 pm local South African time.
3. Account details:
- Add the registered business (company) name, the business registration number and VAT number if you're registered.
- If the business/company physical address is different from your guest house, B&B or apartment's address (the place where guests will stay), add it here. (should it differ from the property).
- Contact details for the person responsible for your accounts, e.g. the owner/manager or an accountant.

Click on Publish

Click on Publish to update your information.