2. PMS Integrated Properties

How to extend an existing season

The following lesson will show you how to extend an existing season in the NightsBridge Setup (Version 6) for further in advance.

This means that the same rates charged for that season will be valid and bookable for further into the future.

Log into the NightsBridge Setup

If you do not know how to access your NightsBridge Setup (Version 6), please see our tutorial on how to access your NightsBridge setup.

Click on Step 3: Setup Rates

Click on Set Seasons

Set Season button - image

Edit the End date of the existing season

Edit the End date of the existing season

To change the End date of the existing season, click on the button with the calendar icon.

This will open a drop down calendar.  Use the right arrow to change the month and/or year to one which is further in the future and click on the date to select it.

Click on save

Click on Save

This will take you back to the main menu of the NightsBridge setup (Version 6).

We recommend that you now check the existing rates which have been entered for the season you have just extended to ensure that they are still correct and to update them where necessary.

If you are not sure how to check and/or update your existing rates, please click on the following links to open tutorials which will show you what to do:

How Do I Set Up Per Person Sharing Rates (Version 6)?

How Do I Set Up Unit Rates (Version 6)?

Click on Publish

Nightsbridge - Mozilla Firefox

Click once on publish to upload your seasons.

Previous Article How to add new seasons
Next Article How to add rates to a new season
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