2. PMS Integrated Properties

Deactivate Online Payments for Booking.com (Virtual Cards and EFT Payments)

Deactivating online payments for Booking.com means you will go back to receiving the guests' own card for processing payments, instead of getting a payment from Booking.com with a virtual card.

If you deactivate online payments:

  • You will 'turn off' Virtual Cards, losing out on the security and processing advantages Virtual Cards offer.
  • Cards will be charged at either domestic or international rates, depending on the country of origin of the bank that issued the guest's card.
  • You will receive the credit card details to process instead of Booking.com taking payment (the guest only enters the card details on Booking.com). 
  • You will need to deduct the card in the same way you do all other online card payments (e.g. via your own linked payment gateway, or PayBridge.) 
  • As Booking.com will not process the card, the guest will not have the opportunity to enter a 3D secure pin, making the payment less secure.

How to deactivate Online Payments

You can go back to the receive guest credit card option as follows:

  • Login to Booking.com https://admin.booking.com
  • Click on the Finance drop down menu item
  • From options click on Finance settings
  • Click Deactivate Online Payments
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