2. PMS Integrated Properties

Updating a Booking.com photo gallery via NightsBridge

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Once activated for a property, the NightsBridge connection to Booking.com can allow for the transfer of photos from the NightsBridge Image Uploader to the connected Booking.com Extranet photo gallery.

Once enabled, the processes will:

  1. Remove all existing photos from the Booking.com photo gallery.
  2. Upload and allocate all the NightsBridge property and room-type photos.
  3. Apply one photo tag (per photo - as indicated on NightsBridge) to the photo on Booking.com
⚠️ Important considerations:
Not suitable for multi-HotelIDs When enabled, photos on NightsBridge will be uploaded to all connected HotelIDs for the specific BBID. For this reason, enabling this feature is not an option for properties connected to multiple Booking.com HotelIDs.
Image selection not available Uploading only selected images is not an option - All property and room-type photos will be uploaded and allocated.
Photo display order
The order in which photo are displayed cannot be guaranteed - photos may need to be rearranged within the Booking.com Extranet.

The available options

The photo-specific connection to Booking.com allows for one of three options:

1. Don't use Photo connection
2. Use Photo connection for Adds only
3. Include deletes in sync processes
The feature is not enabled. No photo upload will occur.
This will upload newly added photos from NightsBridge to Booking.com, while not removing the existing photos on the Booking.com photo gallery.
This will completely replace the Booking.com photos with what is currently available within the NightsBridge Image Uploader.
All existing photos on Booking.com will be removed.

Did you know?

The photo gallery on Booking.com is dynamic.
The order in which Booking.com displays photos to users (and yourself when viewing your listing as a booker) depends on various elements.
These include:

  • where the viewer is from (which country),
  • which season the selected stay-dates fall within,
  • which property facilities they're looking for (selected by filter)
  • and whether any promotions are active on Booking.com.

The order in which Booking.com displays your photos publicly can never be guaranteed or set.

Check the status or request activation

Would you like to check the current status of this feature on your NightsBridge BBID or would you like to request the feature to be enabled?

Checking the feature status for your property

Any member of the NightsBridge Support Team can assist with providing information on the current Booking.com photo setting for your property.

Feel free to contact NightsBridge Support via your preferred method to request this information.

Requesting the feature activation

Keep in mind:

If you're satisfied with your Booking.com photo gallery, or want to manage it directly via the Extranet, there is no need to activate a photo connection.

1. Select the right setting

Determine the right setting based on your needs.

Use Photo connection for Adds only
Include deletes in sync processes
This will add all the photos from NightsBridge to Booking.com, while not removing the existing photos on the Booking.com photo gallery.
This will completely replace the Booking.com photos with what is currently available within the NightsBridge Image Uploader.
All existing photos on Booking.com will be removed.
2. Leaving the selected setting enabled

A second consideration would be whether you want to leave the chosen photo connection enabled.

Once the required photo update has taken place, you can request to have the photo connection disabled.
This will allow you to continue manually managing the Booking.com photo gallery independently.  

The result of leaving the setting enabled
Use Photo connection for Adds only
Include deletes in sync process
When left enabled, any photo added to the NightsBridge Image Uploader will automatically be added to the Booking.com photo gallery.
When left enabled, any change to the NightsBridge Image Uploader will automatically be applied to the Booking.com Gallery. Since this is a full photo sync, any photo on the Booking.com photo gallery, that is not on the NightsBridge Image Uploader, will be deleted from Booking.com.

When NightsBridge uploads a photo to Booking.com the selected category on the NightsBridge Image Uploader will automatically be applied as a photo tag on Booking.com.

Please note that the photo display order cannot be guaranteed.

  • While images should be assigned to their connected room types on Booking.com, you may need to reorder the photos directly on the Booking.com Extranet once the upload has completed.
  • When leaving the selected setting enabled, any update on the NightsBridge Image Uploader may impact the photo order on Booking.com.
3. Email NightsBridge Connectivity

Send an email addressed to [email protected] requesting the chosen setting be enabled.

You can use this template and edit it as needed:

Dear Connectivity team,

Please enable the 'Update Photo to Booking.com' feature for BBID [insert number].

  • Selected photo setting:
    • Use Photo connection for Adds only
    • Include deletes in sync process

Kind regards,

[Your name]

Click to copy

A member of the connectivity team will reply will assistance.

Congratulations, you are done!
Previous Article Booking.com: How to link my property to NightsBridge
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