2. PMS Integrated Properties

How do I access my Booking.com Opportunities through NightsBridge?

With Booking.com connected to NightsBridge, the Booking.com Opportunities are then accessible via NightsBridge.
This is one way to view the Booking.com Opportunities available that could potentially increase bookings from Booking.com bookers.

Click on 'Extranet Features' under the heading 'Integrations'

From Hompage, click on 'Extranet Features'.

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Navigate to Booking.com Opportunities

Click the button that says Booking.com Opportunities.

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Update the chosen opportunity

Once you have selected a property, click 'Update' on the opportunity you would like to action.
Another tab will open and redirect to Booking.com, you will need to log in.

By updating these opportunities you increase your chances of receiving 5% to 25% more reservations, depending on the opportunity.

These are a few examples: Genius Programme, Automatic Guest Replies and increasing your property page score, etc.
Click here for more information on Booking.com's Help Page on the Opportunity Centre.

You will see opportunities that are unique per property according to what Booking.com recommends for you.

Log in to Booking.com

If you do not know your password, you will need to contact Booking.com directly for this information. Search for our tutorial called 'How to contact Booking.com with a query' if you need help contacting Booking.com.

Enter the username and password.

Opportunity page opens on Booking.com

Once The Opportunity Centre opens on Booking.com, you can complete the opportunity that has opened. Click on 'Save' once all has been updated.

Go back to the NightsBridge Homepage and refresh your browser

You can refresh your browser page by clicking on CTRL+F5 to see updated information.

You will notice that the opportunity you have just updated has been removed from the list. All other available opportunities will display.

NightsBridge will dynamically update this list as Opportunities become available on Booking.com.
We recommend that you frequently check this page to see what new opportunities are recommended.

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