When needed, you're able to report guest misconduct directly to Booking.com from within the booking on NightsBridge.
Another feature providing convenient access to Booking.com Extranet actions, within NightsBridge.
Reporting guest misconduct directly from NightsBridge
Access the Booking and Payment Status page
- Go to the Booking and Payment Status page of the relevant Booking.com booking.
When applicable, a 'Report Guest Misconduct' button will display on the Booking and Payment Status page. - Click on the 'Report Guest Misconduct' button.
A misconduct report form will display.

Complete the form details
- Click and use the drop-down menu to select both a category and subcategory.
- Use the free-type field under 'Additional details to write a message regarding the misconduct.
- Indicate whether you would like the report escalated by Booking.com
- Indicate whether you would like Booking.com to block the guest from your property.
- Click on 'Submit'

Feature specifics to note:
- The button will be available (displayed) one day after check-in/arrival date (at midnight).
- The button will be available for 7 days after the check-out.departure date.
- Once a guest has been reported the button will deactivate.
See the information from Booking.com linked below. It provides guidance on the process of reporting guest misconduct via the Booking.com Extranet.
Managing guest misconduct with Booking.com
Booking.com provides information on how to protect yourself, your staff and your property against guest misbehaviour and incidents.
More information on the topic, directly from Booking.com, is available here: