2. PMS Integrated Properties

How to remove NightsBridge as your channel manager on Booking.com

You may need to cancel the connection between NightsBridge and Booking.com. This could be for numerous reasons including removing your property from Booking.com, a property change of ownership, or deciding to manage your rates, availability and bookings directly on Booking.com.

This tutorial will guide you through the steps to do this directly on the Booking.com Extranet.

Completing the outlined process will cancel the connection between NightsBridge and the respective Booking.com HotelID.

  • Once the connection is deactivated, all previous Booking.com settings will be reset.
  • You will need to manually manage your rates, availability, and bookings directly on Booking.com.

Access your Booking.com Extranet

Log into the Booking.com Extranet for the respective Booking.com listing/HotelID.

Once on the Extranet:

  1. Click on the 'Account' icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select 'Connectivity provider' from the drop down menu.

Accessing certain areas of the Booking.com Extranet requires Two-factor authentication. To complete this process, you may be required to receive and process OTP's from Booking.com.

Cancel the connection to NightsBridge

On the 'Connection management' page page:

  • Click the 'Disconnect' button to cancel the connection to NightsBridge

Supporting information on this topic is available HERE on the Booking.com Partner Hub

Using the drop-down menu, select the reason for disconnecting.

  1. Accept the condition by checking/marking the tick box.
  2. Click the 'Disconnect' button.

Confirmation of your action will display.

After the connection is cancelled

Manually manage your rates, availability and bookings

Once the connection is cancelled, all your previous settings on Booking.com will be reset.
Since the connection has been cancelled, from this point on you are required to manage your rates, availability and bookings manually, directly via the Booking.com Extranet or Pulse app.

Supporting information on this topic is available HERE on the Booking.com Partner Hub

Getting reconnected

Reconnecting to NightsBridge
Guidance on how to reconnect to NightsBridge is available in the tutorial, How to set NightsBridge as your channel manager on Booking.com.
Until you receive confirmation from NightsBridge that the connection has been activated, you will need to manually capture any bookings received from Booking.com.

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