2. PMS Integrated Properties

Booking.com: How to link my property to NightsBridge

There are two parts to linking your property's Booking.com profile to NightsBridge.

  1. Request the link to Booking.com from Links Manager
  2. Follow the email instructions until your link between NightsBridge and Booking.com is live.

Follow these steps only if you already have a Booking.com profile for your property.

If NightsBridge should create your listing profiles for you, please email us on [email protected]

See our tutorial on How to access Links Manager and request partner sites.

Scroll down to Booking.com, then:

  1. Read the Terms and Conditions.
  2. Tick the box to accept and request your link to Booking.com.
  3. Click Confirm at the end of the section.

Follow the email instructions received

You will receive a link request email that will instruct you on how to select NightsBridge as your channel manager on Booking.com.

Properties that opt for NightsBridge to create their Booking.com listings will automatically be linked to NightsBridge.

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