2. PMS Integrated Properties

Booking enquiries with Booking.com

Booking.com’s Request to book feature gives you a way to stay in control of your property and bookings with an added layer of approval for peace of mind.

Unlike its instant-book counterpart, Request to Book allows potential guests to submit a booking request - much like a booking enquiry - that the property has the option to accept or decline.

This is a self-managed feature - Feature functionality is not available via NightsBridge.

  • NightsBridge will continue to update your rates and availability on Booking.com.
  • When received, Booking requests will need to be reviewed and actioned directly on the Booking.com Extranet.

Accepted requests are received as confirmed bookings.

  • Once a booking request is accepted, the booking information will be sent to NightsBridge, as with any confirmed booking from Booking.com.
  • The accepted request will display on NightsBridge and the availability will adjust accordingly.

Feature eligibility

While the 'Request to Book' feature is available to properties globally, it is restricted to:

  • New properties joining Booking.com - existing Booking.com Partners using Instant Book are unable to switch to Request to Book.
  • Properties listed as an apartment, holiday home or villa.

If your property is eligible, you’ll see Request to Book as an option during the registration process or on your Policies page in the extranet.

Feature info from Booking.com

Here are a few links to support and information on the topic, directly from the Booking.com Partner Hub.

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