2. PMS Integrated Properties

How to mark a Booking.com booking credit card as invalid

Marking a card as invalid is one of the best ways to free up your rooms for committed guests and avoid incorrect commission charges.
Here we show you how to mark a card as invalid in the Payment & Booking Status for Booking.com bookings. 

This feature is used when guests book on Booking.com using credit card details that have not transacted successfully.

Open the Booking and Payment Status page of the booking.

Open the Booking and Payment Status page for the respective booking.

Guidance on how to access this page is available here

Mark the card as invalid

Look for the section heading 'Payment Transactions'.

Click on the 'Invalid CC' button to mark card details as invalid.

Very Important: This option is only valid and the button will only appear from the day of booking, until the end of the day of arrival.

Confirm your choice

A pop-up will appear.
Click 'Yes' to confirm your action.

The booking will be reported to Booking.com as having invalid credit card details

A pop-up window will appear to alert you if Booking.com has been successfully notified that the booking was made with invalid credit card details.

Booking.com will send an email to the guest and the guest will have 24 hours to provide new credit card details.

If the guest fails to provide new card details

If the guest does not provide new credit card details within their 24-hours notice period, you can cancel the booking via NightsBridge.

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