All WebBeds payments are made via PayBridge one day after the guest's arrival.
How payments work
- One day after the guest's arrival, NightsBridge will swipe the WebBeds card for the total of the booking and create an invoice for WebBeds.
- Invoices are made out on behalf of your property to WebBeds and are recorded in your Payments>CAPS.
- If a payment fails, NightsBridge will re-attempt the card details the following morning.
- Webbeds virtual cards are only active for 7 days from the date of arrival.
Payment amount
- WebBeds books and pays based on NETT rates (booking total is less 15% commission).
- The amount you see on the booking is this Nett rate.
How to trace payments
- Our article on how to find a breakdown of payments received can give you more information on how to trace your payments.