2. PMS Integrated Properties

How to update a listing status on Airbnb?

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At certain times you may no longer wish to have a listing active on Airbnb. Once you're ready, the listing can published once again.

Updating the status of a listing must be done directly on Airbnb. We've collected some information from Airbnb on the topic to help you.

Would you like NightsBridge to unlist the listing for you or manage the unlisting process yourself?

1. Contact NightsBridge to unlist

Use the template below to compose an email addressed to '[email protected]'.

Dear NightsBridge Connectivity Team,

Please assist with unlisting the below Airbnb listing:

  • BBID
  • Listing name:
  • Listing ID:
  • Reason: (why have you decided to unlist?)


[full name]

Click to copy

2. Receive confirmation

The Connectivity Team will action the request and reply with confirmation of the unlisting.

3. Relist when ready

When you're ready to host the listing again, simply email the Connectivity Team again to request that the listing be relisted.

  • Remember to provide the listing details.

You will only able to edit the listing status once you have stopped the synchronisation between Airbnb and NightsBridge.

Since NightsBridge is connected to the Airbnb listing, this may relist the listing due to the active connection/sync.
Read here for more information on How the Airbnb listing sync status works.

1. Contact NightsBridge to stop the sync

Use the template below to compose an email addressed to '[email protected]'.

Dear NightsBridge Connectivity Team,

Please stop the NightsBridge synchronisation with the below Airbnb listing:

  • BBID
  • Listing name:
  • Listing ID:
  • Reason: (why have you decided to stop the sync and unlist?)


[full name]

Click to copy

2. Receive confirmation

The Connectivity Team will action the request (stop the sync) and reply with confirmation of this.

3. Unlist or remove your listing

Once you have received confirmation of the sync being stopped, access your listing via Airbnb to update the listing status.

To stop receiving new bookings and remove your listing from search results, you have these options:

1. Unlist for a set period of time For up to 6 months
2. Unlist it indefinitely
Relist it whenever you're ready.
3. Permanently remove it if you’ll no longer host your place
However, all confirmed reservations must be complete

Note: If you decide to unlist, you’ll still host your guests for any confirmed reservations.

4. Relisting when ready

When you're ready to host the listing again, email the Connectivity Team to request that the sync be reestablished with the listing.

  • Remember to provide the listing details.

5. Publishing your listing

When you're ready to host again, here's guidance from Airbnb to help you:

Congratulations, you are done!
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