This tutorial will guide you through authorising NightsBridge as your channel manager on Airbnb.
Go to the Menu.
Click on the Homepage icon

Please ensure you are logged into NightsBridge and Airbnb on the same browser when following the next steps
Click on this link to take you to the Airbnb login page :
Click on Integrations requests.
Click on Request Airbnb.
Thoroughly read through the instructions.
Once happy, tick the link request checkbox at the bottom of the page and confirm.
After clicking the Confirm button, you will be redirected to Airbnb's website.
NOTE: Your browser may block pop-ups as the page will open on a new tab. Allow these for the current session.
(Pop-up settings are browser-specific, so if you are not sure how to edit these try a Google search for help.)
Log In/Sign Up To Complete Authorisation
Either Create a new Airbnb profile (if you do not currently have one), or login.
If you already have an Airbnb profile make sure that you are logged into the listing owner account. We can only connect to listings via the host account that created the listing. We are unable link to a Co-Host Account.
Once logged on, accept the Terms and Conditions and allow permissions, the authorisation will then be complete and you will be redirected back to your Integrations Requests page.
To confirm the authorisation was successful, click on Request Airbnb once again and scroll down to where you requested the link. It should look like the image below and note the text 'Your request is being processed'.
Possible reasons why you are unable to set NightsBridge as the channel manager.
If, while completing the authorisation process and you come across the below step, this means you need to complete your profile.
Complete the three steps:
- Add a profile photo
- Verify your number
- Verify email address
Once completed, you will be may continue setting NightsBridge as the channel manager.
If you get the below error at the top of the screen when trying to set NightsBridge as the channel manager, you either already have a channel manager set, or the request to set NightsBridge as the channel manager has already been authorised. Remember, this should only be processed once.
To check if you have a connected app, make sure you're logged into your Airbnb account and click here
NightsBridge linked to the wrong Airbnb account?
If you have completed the above steps and linked the incorrect Airbnb host account to NightsBridge you would need to remove NightsBridge as the channel manager and follow the steps with setting the channel manager again. This time make sure that you are now logged into the correct host account.