If there is an issue with the processing of a PayBridge payment, a status error will appear in Transactions.
The table below can help you understand the possible cause of the error, what the error message means and how to possibly resolve the issue.
View PayBridge status error
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Payment status errors
Error message | What it means | What to do next |
Denied | The transaction didn't go through for various reasons. |
Please call/Error 4/Error 5 | This may appear on payment notification slip. |
Hot card | This card has been reported as stolen or has been cancelled/lost. |
Card Blocked | No payment was deducted from the card because the it's been blocked by their bank for up to 30 days. |
Unknown result | Unknown. |
[255] Format error/ Invalid authentication data - |
Invalid card date | The expiry date may be incorrect. |
Connection to the Acquirer is down . | This means the cardholder's bank was down. |
Missing PAN | No credit card number has been entered. |
Invalid PAN | Credit card number not entered correctly. There may be spaces in between number. |
Invalid track2 | The details provided do not match what is stored on the magnetic strip and the cardholder's bank. |
1 Timeout waiting for response | Connection timed out. |
No data | The credit card information submitted is incomplete or incorrect. |
No data found | It could be that the card is a debit or cheque card. |
Duplicate transmission | Duplicate transactions are submitted to the bank on the same card. |
Invalid account selection (Code:42 - No universal account ) | The transaction was declined by the issuing bank as the account type is not valid for this card number. |
Unable to process the transaction | The credit card information submitted is incomplete or incorrect. This usually occurs with Agoda ePass cards. |
Transaction Declined - Code: 999. Process reject, try again | There was an interruption between the PayGate and Nedbank link which caused this transaction to fail at the time. |
Gateway: 3dSecure - 3dSecure Process failed (Unsuccessful 3D, but Enrolled = Y) | You do not accept the card type being used, e.g. Amex or Diners. |
Gateway: paybridgevcaps - Please call (Successful 3D Secure) | You do not accept the card type being used, e.g. Amex or Diners. |
Gateway: paybridge - Contactless not allowed (not 3D Secure) | Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit (The card was swiped more than the daily number of transactions allowed) |
Refund errors
Error message | What it means | What to do next |
Paybridge - Initial Credit not supported for PIN debit cards for acquirer NBPostilionBICISONBSouthAfrica - | PayBridge is not able to refund certain debit cards. | The property should refund the guest directly. |