You can add a booking on your iPhone NightsBridge App if you receive a booking while you're away from your computer, blocking availability in real-time online.
The booking made on the NightsBridge App is immediately live on your NightsBridge system.
Select the arrival date
- Select the arrival date for the booking.
- Choose the room you would like to book.
In this example the arrival date is 16 March 2022 and we want to book Room 1.
Record the departure date
- Choose the departure date OR
- Use the Number of Nights counter to record the number of nights.
- Tap on NEXT.
Enter guest details
Is the guest new or have they stayed with you before?
- Add this mandatory information:
- First Name of the person booking
- Surname of the person booking
- Add this recommended information:
Title of the person booking.
- Company name (if relevant)
- Phone number of the guest.
- Booking notes to use as notes for yourself.
Title of the person booking.
- Type in any of these fields to search for the guest's information:
- First Name
- Surname
- Company name
- Phone number
- Guests who match this information will show on the screen.
- Tap on the correct guest.
- The guest's stored client details will populate the fields.
Confirm the details
- Check the details are correct.
- Click Next to confirm the details.
Choose Rooms
- Tick to choose the room(s) you would like to book.
- Select the meal plan you're booking the the room(s) under.
- You can choose to select an existing meal plan rate.
- Alternatively, you can select "Manual Rate", which allows to you add a custom daily rate for the booking, for example, when you agree on a specific rate with the guest over the phone.
- Select the number of adults and/or children you would like to book.
- Click NEXT.
Apply a manual rate
- If you want to apply a different rate than the meal plan, you can apply a manual rate.
- A manual rate allows you to apply a specific rate to the booking that will override the room rate in your NightsBridge Setup.
- The rate that you enter here is a fixed daily rate for the room/unit.
In this example, the fixed daily rate is R500. If the booking is for 3 nights, the booking total will be R1,500.
Create booking
- Click on NEXT to confirm the booking details.
- Click on CREATE to add the booking into your calendar.