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How to Create a Travel Agent / Tour Operator / Corporate Login

If you want to create client logins on your booking form to assign specific rate sheets to specific agents, please first contact NightsBridge to request this.  

We will activate the functionality for you and inform you when this is done.  

Simply follow the steps below to create logins for your agents.

Go to Client Login

On the Homepage, click on Booking Engine under the Web Content section.

Click on Client Login under Web Info

Click on the Client Login tab at the top of the Booking Engine page.

Add the Client Login

Click the +Add button under the Client List section.

Click on Add

Fill in the Client Login details

  1. Add the Company name.
  2. Add the client's Surname.
  3. Add the client's Phone number.
  4. Add the client's Email address.
  5. Assign the client a Login (username).
  6. Give the client login a Password.
  7. Choose whether to Force Credit Card Payments or not.
  8. Pick a rate sheet, if you have created one for this client, from the drop-down list.
  9. Save.

* When adding Tour Operators/ Corporate Clients, we would assume you have contracted payment terms in place.

If you don’t have contracted payment terms in place, tick this box and they will have to enter their card details to pay for the booking immediately.

If they have payment terms, it will say on the confirmation: Payment terms as per agreed arrangement.

Complete Contact Details for Client

Provide the client with their newly created login details.

You can email the client their login (username) and password for them to use when making a booking on your booking engine at your agreed rates.

Passwords will not be displayed after they have been created for security reasons. 

Test the logins on your Booking Engine.

Open your booking engine. (See our tutorial on How to view your NightsBridge Booking Engine should you need help.)

  • Click Login on the top-right-hand-side of the booking engine.
Your Travel Agent/Corporate Member Can Now Log In on the Booking Form from Your Webpage
  • Enter the newly created login details on the pop-up box., then click Login
  • You are now logged in as the client.
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