We generate and send invoices and statements for your NightsBridge account.
The invoice outlines the amounts due for a specific period and describes details about a transaction.
The statement is a transaction list of the account which includes all unmatched invoices, credit notes, payments etc.
When do we invoice you?
- NightsBridge generates all invoices to properties on the 1st working day of the month.
- We send out invoices on the 1st working day of the month.
- Your invoice is due upon presentation.
- We send your NightsBridge invoice from accounts@nightsbridge.co.za and to the email address recorded in the Account Contact in your Account Details section of your Setup.
- We invoice new NightsBridge clients in the new month after your account has been set up.
When do we send statements?
- Statements are sent when the balance on your account is not R0.00.
- We send out statements each Tuesday.
- We send your NightsBridge statements from accounts@nightsbridge.co.za and to the email address recorded in the Account Contact in your Account Details section of your Setup.