2. PMS Integrated Properties

Property Overview: Summary

The Property Overview provides your property content in one place. It is a preview of the information visible on your booking form.
This tutorial will outline the page as well as where the information is sourced from on NightsBridge.

Keeping this information up to date ensures that your property content remains relevant and attractive to potential guests.

Select 'Property Overview'

On the Home screen, scroll down to the 'Content' section.
Click on 'Property Overview'.

Click on a section for more information

Property description

The property description displayed is sourced from the 'Property Content' section of 'Rates & Rules (Setup).
Here are tutorials that will help navigate to this section should you need it:

The 'Main Property/Accommodation Description' within 'Property Content' is what displays on the Property Overview and Booking Form.

Contact Details and Booking Notification Details

The contact and booking notification are sourced from the 'Basic Setup' on the NightsBridge.

Address information

The 'Address Information' section sources information from the Basic Setup and the Location settings.
Here are tutorials to assist you where to find these settings:

Booking, child and payment policies
  1. 'Booking Policies' update from 'Deposit & Booking Policy' on the Setup.
  2. 'Child Policy & Rules' gets information from 'Setup Rates' and 'Set Child Policy' on the Setup.
  3. The 'Payment Policies' section gets information from 'Deposit & Booking Policy' on the Setup.

This section provides a glace at the property images. Clicking on the 'Show More' button will expand the section to display all the images within the Property section of the Image Uploader.

Terms, conditions and cancellation policies
  1. The 'Terms & Conditions' section extracts information from 'Deposit & Booking Policy' within Setup.
  2. Your cancellation policy for your rack rates will be found within 'Deposit & Booking Policy' on Setup.
  3. Cancellation policies for STO (Standard Tour Operator) rate sheets can be found within 'STO Rate Sheets' on Setup.
Amenities and additional property information

The 'Amenities', 'Additional Amenities' and 'Corporate Policies' sections source information from the 'Property Content' section within Setup.

Booking Engine

A 'Booking Engine' button is provided. Clicking this will open your booking form, presenting the information as a potential guest would see it.

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